دسترسی همگانی(OPAC) نام کتابخانه در اوپک

Building information modelling, building performance, design and smart construction (2017) 9783319503462
نوع مدرک:برنامه‌ها و فایلهای کامپیوتری
رده‌بندی کنگره :NA2750 .B855 2017
عنوان :Building information modelling, building performance, design and smart construction
تکرار نام مولف :Mohammad Dastbaz, Chris Gorse, Alice Moncaster, editors؛eng
ناشر:Cham, Switzerland : Springer
سال نشر :2017
صفحه شمار:1 online resource
ویژگی :illustrations
یادداشتIncludes bibliographical references and index
شناسه افزوده :Dastbaz ، M
Gorse ، Christopher A
Moncaster ، Alice
موضوع‌ها :اصفا
Architectural design ؛ ARCHITECTURE / Interior Design / General ؛ Energy ؛ Energy Efficiency ؛ Energy Technology ؛ Sustainable Development ؛ Structural Materials ؛ Electronic books
مندرجاتChapter 6: Use ofآ Simulation Through BIM-Enabled Virtual Projects toآ Enhance Learning andآ Soft Employability Skills inآ Architectural Technology Education6.1 Introduction; 6.1.1 Project-Based Learning andآ theآ Use ofآ Simulated Projects inآ Built Environment Education; 6.1.2 Categorising andآ Defining Soft Employability Skills; 6.1.3 Building Information Modelling inآ Higher Education; 6.2 Research Method; 6.2.1 Research Instrument; 6.3 Results andآ Analysis; 6.4 Conclusion; 6.4.1 Limitations, Consequences, andآ Opportunities forآ Future Research; References
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زبان مدرک :English
شماره ثبتشماره بازیابینام عام موادمحل نگهداریوضعیت ثبتوضعیت امانت
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