Researcher Positioning as Embodied Experience -- Connecting to the Bodies We Research -- There’s No Center Without the Margins—Revealing Compulsory Performance to Achieve Audience Empathy -- Creating Accessible, Pedagogical Storytelling Performances as Research—Take 1 -- A Performance Transcription Exercise -- Can Rigorous Research Be Art for the Masses? A Student/Teacher Debrief -- Hyper-Embodiment and Outsider-Research-Pursuing Empathy and Connection in the Field -- Creating Accessible, Pedagogical Art as Research—Take 2 -- Can Rigorous Research Be for the Masses? A Second Student/Teacher Debrief -- Compromising Methodology for Open Audiences -- In Conclusion—A Call for Hyper-Embodied Performance Research Pedagogy for Social Justice -- Epilogue—The Next Performance Ethnographic Show in Pursuit of Hyper-Embodiment