دسترسی همگانی(OPAC) نام کتابخانه در اوپک

مشخصات ناشر

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   مرتب سازی     درج پیشنهاد خرید   پالایش جستجو   جستجو در منابع سایر کتابخانه ها
Valuing Detroit's Art Museum ([2017]) / Jeffrey ، Abt، نویسنده 9783319452180
Rap beyond resistance (2017) / Cristina ، Moreno Almeida، نویسنده 9783319601830
Art after the hipster (2017) / 1978- ، Hill. Wes، نویسنده 3319685775
Regimes of invisibility in contemporary art, theory and culture (أ2017) 9783319551722
Art and the challenge of markets ([2018]) 3319645862
Sound and the aesthetics of play (2018) / Justin ، Christensen، نویسنده 3319668994
Mapping Violeta Parra's cultural landscapes ([2018]) 3319693026
International relations, music and diplomacy (أ2018) 3319631624
Embodied performance as applied research, art and pedagogy (2018) / Julie-Ann ، Scott، نویسنده 9783319636603
Rhetoric, social value and the arts (2017) 9783319452975
Canadian music and American culture ([2017]) 9783319500232
Music in contemporary French cinema (2017) / Phil ، Powrie، نویسنده 3319523627
Art and politics under modern dictatorships ([2017]) / Caterina ، Preda، نویسنده 9783319572703
Nineteenth-century illustration and the digital (2017) / 1971- ، Thomas. Julia، نویسنده 3319581481
Indigenous creatures, native knowledges, and the arts ([2017]) 3319568744

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